Already been dancing with us? The information on file in your account portal (JackRabbit) is your starting point for registration.
Please login and review all sections to ensure your contact and payment information is correct before selecting classes for your dancer.
Open school class registration begins in March for the upcoming school year and remains open for students to join classes throughout the fall.
You can add Open School classes at any time through your JackRabbit account. Please email all registration questions to
Are you brand new to the Tolbert Yilmaz School of Dance? We need you to complete the required fields on the New Student Registration form to establish your account.
THEN, please select classes for your dancer(s) and Submit.
Once you submit your Registration information and class selections, TYSOD will:
Auditions for the Roswell Dance Theatre Ballet Company and Movement Collective are held annually in the spring. For details about company tuition, weekly class schedules, and performance opportunities, see the Companies page.
New and returning company dancers complete their registration in June after receiving audition results. After accepting company level assignment and all policies, dancers will be registered into the appropriate classes for your company level. Please call us at 770-998-0259 or email for more information.
Your account will be charged the non-refundable $50 annual registration fee as well as the appropriate company dues.
In your JackRabbit account portal, you can:
– View your dance class schedule(s) and account balance
– Update your payment method and make online payments
– Register for/add classes
Please email all questions about your JackRabbit portal to
We offer several classes for adults who are interested in maintaining their dance technique or just learning something new!
Advanced Ballet Technique
Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-10:30am TYB
Adult Beginner Ballet (18+ ONLY)
Thurs 9:30-10:30am CY
Morning classes are available for drop-in attendance AND through Jackrabbit if you want to register for the class.
Adult Tap (18+ ONLY)
Mon 7:30-8:30pm KHS
Adult Hip Hop (18+ ONLY)
Thurs 8:00-9:00pm PB
Teacher Key:
TYB = Tracey Yanckello Bayly | PB = Pumkin Byrd | KHS = Kyme Hersi-Sallid
Please call the studio at 770-998-0259 or email for registration and attendance information for adult dance classes.
Our 2024-25 Studio Manual lists all current adult class information, schedule, and pricing.
We love being spontaneous – when we can fit it into our busy schedule! We offer pop-up classes for different age groups and technique levels at various times throughout the year. We announce pop-up classes in our weekly newsletter (sent to all registered dance families on Monday mornings) and on our social media. Keep an eye out and join us when you can!
Some members of our faculty offer private instruction. From working on advanced technique, to preparing for college auditions, to creating a first dance for a newly married couple, our teachers can handle anything dancers at any level need.
Please See our Private Lessons page for instructor contact info.